What are amino acids? What’s the use?

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In recent years, composite containing water soluble amino acid fertilizer was deeply loved by farmers, contain amino acids in the practical application of products ate is good for the body, actually plant root of human body, human body lack of any a kind of necessary amino acids, it may lead to abnormal physiological function, affect metabolism of antibodies, resulting in a variety of diseases, plant is the same,Lack of essential amino acids, affecting plant growth and development.


What are amino acids ?

Amino acids are a generic term for a group of organic compounds containing amino and carboxyl groups.The basic component unit of biological function macromolecule protein is the basic substance of protein required by plant and animal nutrition.Are organic compounds containing basic amino and acidic carboxyl groups.Amino acids attached to the alpha – carbon are alpha – amino acids.The amino acids that make up proteins are all α -amino acids.

 One of its functions in plants is to directly participate in various physiological activities of plants and the synthesis of endogenous hormones.

Amino acids also contains a variety of nutrition elements, the growth of these nutrients to crops have long-lasting and quick-acting fertilizer effect, therefore, can be as a foliar fertilizer, amino acids for spraying on the leaf, which can supplement nutrition and improve photosynthesis double effect syncretic simultaneously, to lay a solid foundation for crop fertility harvest.

Amino acid fertilizer contains a variety of nutrients, its nutrient complete, the highest activity is well known.In the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan and Taiwan have developed and produced a large number of amino acid fertilizers, products have entered the international market.The development and application of amino acid fertilizer in China will also develop rapidly in recent years.

Application of amino acid fertilizer in agriculture

Amino acid fertilizer is an organic and inorganic compound formed by vegetative and complexation with plant amino acids as the matrix, using its huge surface activity and adsorption retention ability, and adding nutrients needed for plant growth and development (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, aluminum, boron, etc.).This kind of fertilizer can not only keep the slow release and full utilization of large amount of elements, but also ensure the stability and long-term effect of trace elements.It has the good effect of enhancing plant respiration, improving plant REDOX process and promoting plant metabolism.

It can promote the formation of photosynthesis and chlorophyll, and obviously promote and activate the physiological and biochemical processes such as oxide activity, enzyme activity, seed germination, nutrient absorption, root growth and development.In particular, its affinity with plants is unmatched by any other substance.The efficacy of amino acid fertilizer integrates the long-acting effect of organic fertilizer, the quick effect of chemical fertilizer, the steady effect of biological fertilizer and the synergistic effect of micro fertilizer.The application of amino acids in the fertilizer in agriculture is discussed here

The effect of amino acids in plant growth

1. Amino acids provide basic components for protein synthesis;

2. Amino acids provide nitrogen source, carbon source and energy for plants, and improve photosynthesis and chlorophyll synthesis of crops;

3. Amino acids provide nutrients for rhizosphere microorganisms;

4, amino acids can passivate a variety of heavy metal elements, reduce their toxic side effects;

5, amino acid on crops, can improve the crop resistance, such as low temperature resistance, but also help restore the effects of the disaster growth;

6. Amino acids can integrate a variety of trace elements and be absorbed and utilized by plants to provide essential trace elements for plants.

Post time: Oct-08-2021