Thrips are small, but they do great harm!

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Thrips are harmful to a wide range of crops, including open-air crops and greenhouse crops. The main kinds of thrips are melon thrips, onion thrips, rice thrips and western thrips, etc. 


The habits of thrips

Thrips can be said to be a pest widely distributed all over the world. It occurs all year round, from south to north, mainly on land in spring, summer and autumn, and mainly in vegetable greenhouses in winter. It can harm almost all crops, such as fruit trees, vegetables, fields, including flowers. 

Thrips are file sucking mouthparts.  Through the mouthparts file stagger the organization such as blade epidermis organ, juices, so often see vulnerable parts CunPi, it belongs to the sudden pests, occurred in peanut peak, in the autumn or winter, May 10, in the second year, 3 to 5 month late spring or early summer is the second peak, adult has a strong blue sex, tender and moved to fly.  Quick to crawl, jump up, breed fast, easy to disaster. 

The optimum temperature for thrips breeding is 25-30℃ and the soil moisture is about 20%. 

Damage characteristics of thrips 

It is adults and nymphs file the plant’s young tissues, namely leaves, buds, fruits and other young tissues of the branches and leaves, the damaged young leaves and shoots become hard and cocoon, curl and wither, plant growth is slow, internode shortening. 

Young and tender fruit, will harden after being murdered, serious when can cause fruit drop, seriously affect yield and quality. 

There are some thrips, which can even form galls, which seriously affect the ornamental value of garden crops, as well as their economic value.  What’s more serious is that thrips can spread viral diseases, which we see a lot of on vegetables now, almost all of which are spread by thrips.

Control of thrips

How to control thrips?  Today we are going to talk about chemical control of thrips.  We recommend 16% polyphenicide · imidacloprid, or spiroworm ethyl ester if local resistance is high.  Thrips can also be controlled physically, using the blueness of thrips to trap and kill adults by placing a blue sticky pad in the field, but the pad is about level with the crop.

Key points of thrips control

1. According to the characteristics of thrips during the day and out at night, it is recommended to take medicine in the afternoon.

2. Thrips have strong concealment.  First of all, we should choose the drug with strong internal absorption, or add organic silicon for prevention and control. 

3. If conditions permit, it is recommended to use pharmaceutical fumigating shed or foliar spray for prevention and control. 

4, the most important thing to pay attention to is that thrips are relatively harmful pests, we must prevent and control in advance, do not wait for the flood later to control, that will not be hit.  When growing vegetables at high temperatures, if not mulched, it is best to spray the middle and lower parts of the plants and the ground, where thrips larvae live. 





Post time: Dec-06-2021