Notice! The use of Emamectin benzoate in this way has no effect.

Hello, come to consult our products !

1. Broad spectrum of control targets for Emamectin benzoate
Phosphoroptera: peach small borer, cotton bollworm, armyworm, rice leaf roller, cabbage butterfly, apple leaf roller, etc.
Diptera: leaf miners, fruit flies, species flies, etc.
Thrips: Western flower thrips, melon thrips, onion thrips, rice thrips, etc.
Coleoptera: gold needle insects, grubs, aphids, whiteflies, scale insects, etc.

2. Insecticidal characteristics of Emamectin benzoate
1.Stomach toxicity is the main function, and there is contact killing effect. The insecticidal mechanism of emamectin benzoate
 is to disrupt nerve conduction, allowing a large amount of chloride ions to enter nerve cells, causing loss of cell function and 
disrupting nerve conduction. The larvae immediately stop eating after contact, causing irreversible paralysis, and reaching the
 highest lethality within 3-4 days Rate.
2.Emamectin benzoate has strong selectivity and extremely high insecticidal activity against lepidopteran pests. It also has high 
activity against thrips pests, but has relatively low insecticidal activity against other pests.
3.The activity of Emamectin benzoate increases with the increase of temperature, and when it reaches 25°C, the insecticidal 
activity can even be increased by 1000 times.
4. Emamectin benzoate has no systemic properties to crops, but it can penetrate into epidermal tissues, which will increase the 
residual period of the drug. Therefore, a second peak of insecticidal lethality occurs after 10 days.
3. emamectin benzoate must not be used in this way!
1. Emamectin benzoate is a semi-synthetic biological pesticide. Many pesticide fungicides are lethal to biological pesticides. 
Therefore, emamectin benzoate must not be mixed with chlorothalonil, mancozeb, zinc and other fungicides. , Will affect the
 efficacy of emamectin benzoate.
2. Emamectin benzoate decomposes quickly under the action of strong ultraviolet rays, so after spraying on the leaves, it is 
necessary to avoid the decomposition of strong light to reduce the efficacy. In summer and autumn, you must choose to spray 
before 10 am or after 3 pm.
3.The insecticidal activity of emamectin benzoate will increase when the temperature is above 22℃, so when the temperature 
is lower than 22℃, try not to use emamectin benzoate to control pests.
4.Emamectin benzoate is toxic to bees and highly toxic to fish, so try to avoid applying it during the flowering period of crops,
and also avoid polluting water sources and ponds.
5.It is ready for immediate use and should not be used for a long time. It should be noted that no matter what medicine is mixed, 
although the liquid medicine does not respond when it is just formulated, it does not mean that it can be left for a long time at will, 
otherwise it will easily cause a slow reaction and gradually reduce the efficacy of the medicine.

Post time: Aug-09-2021