In addition to Halosulfuron-methyl , a safer herbicide for the prevention and control of Cyperus rotundus is rimsulfuron

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Due to the poor leaching and rapid decomposition of rimsulfuron in soil, it will not affect groundwater and subsequent crops at the recommended dosage, which is also the biggest difference between this component and Halosulfuron-methyl .

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Mainly used for field weeding of corn, potatoes, konjac, tobacco, chili peppers, sweet potatoes, and some traditional Chinese medicine.

It not only can prevent and control Cyperus rotundus , but it is also effective against annual grass weeds and broad-leaved weeds such as perennial ryegrass, self growing wheat seedlings, horseradish, wild oats, dog tail grass, dragon anemone, Abutilon, iron amaranth, purslane, shepherd’s purse, and duck sole.

The above weeds have good control effects in their early stages, but their effects are relatively poor in their older stages and are prone to rebound.

The weeding mechanism of rimsulfuron is that the effective ingredients are absorbed by the stems, leaves, and roots of weeds, and transmitted within the weed body, inhibiting the synthesis of amino acids in weeds, preventing cell division, and achieving the effect of weed eradication.

Toxic reactions can be observed in sensitive weeds within 3 days, but it takes a longer time to reach the dead grass. For example, it often takes more than 20 days for Aconite to completely die from poisoning. When the soil moisture is low, the dead grass time needs to be extended to more than 30 days.


The application of rimsulfuron in various crops

① Corn fields

The application of rimsulfuron in corn field should be conducted in 3-5 leaf stage of corn, 2-4 leaf stage of gramineous weeds and 3-4 leaf stage of broad-leaved weeds. After the weeds are relatively complete, 5-7g of 25% rimsulfuron should be used per mu. After secondary dilution (necessary), 30kg of water should be added for inter row directional spray.

② Chili fields

When using rimsulfuron in chili fields, it should be used after the slow seedling stage of chili pepper transplantation, and mixed with quizalofop-p-ethyl or Clethodim in the 3-5 leaf stage of weeds. It can improve the ability to eradicate grass weeds and has good control effects on common broadleaf weeds in chili fields such as Aconitum, Amaranthus, and Portulaca.

Note: When applying rimsulfuron in pepper fields, directional spray must be adopted.

③ Potato fields

For post seedling weeding of potato, directional spray between ridges is also required. The 2-5 leaf stage of weeds is the best time for control. Under the recommended dosage per mu, it is recommended to mix with quizalofop-p-ethyl or Clethodim. When weed density is high, surfactants can be added together.

Post time: Sep-07-2023